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ABN news
  1. Kevin Talbot,
  2. Joanne Lawrence
  1. Association of British Neurologists, London, UK
  1. Correspondence to Professor Kevin Talbot, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Oxford University, 3rd Floor, West Wing, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford OX3 9DU, UK; kevin.talbot{at}

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ABN Medallist

Each year at its annual conference the ABN awards the ABN Medal to a distinguished neurologist who has made a major contribution to neurology and to the Association.

Our 2016 medallist is Professor Alastair Compston CBE, FRS, and his citation, delivered by Professor Neil Scolding, may be viewed at,-fellowships-and-bursaries/abn-medal/ from Wednesday 18 May 2016.

Election of Honoroary Assistant Secretary and new members of ABN Council

Following a recent election process, Dr David Nicholl has been elected Honorary Assistant Secretary of the ABN and will serve for 2 years, followed by 2 years as Honorary Secretary. Dr Jon Sussman and Professor Kevin Talbot have been elected as members of ABN Council to serve for 4 years.

ABN clinical research training fellowship

The ABN has a strong commitment to the training of the next generation of neurological researchers. …

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