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Clinical neurology: a primer

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Clinical neurology: a primer Peter Gates. Published by Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, Australia, 2010. pp 403. ISBN 9780729539357

Good grief, I hear you say; another general neurology short textbook! Whatever happened to ‘the end of paper and ink’ those www people so vehemently forecast? Or the economic doldrums' stagnating effects on the publishing industry? No sign of them here, for sure. Here's a brand new 400 page ‘neuro-primer’, in two tone layout, plus reasonable quality black and white illustrations, softbacked but (at 7×10 inches) too large for a pocket. Unusually, and valuably, it comes with a disc—not a CD reproducing the book but a DVD that to my mind succeeds well in its stated aim of “explaining concepts, demonstrating techniques of performing the neurological examination, and demonstration of neurological signs [sic]”.

The book is aimed at medical students and young doctors “and those …

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