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How I became a neurologist
  1. John Walton
  1. Correspondence to John Walton, Lord Walton of Detchant, Belford, Northumberland, UK

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After a fruitless attempt to join the Royal Air Force (RAF) because I was a medical student, I entered the medical school in Newcastle, then part of Durham University, in 1941, graduating on a shortened wartime course in December 1945. Even as a student, I spent 9 weeks as a house officer in paediatrics with the charismatic James Spence, a brilliant and inspirational teacher. After graduating, I worked for 3 weeks as a locum general practitioner in Wylam-on-Tyne, allowing a doctor to have his first holiday since World War II began; I then became house officer in medicine in the Royal Victoria Infirmary (RVI) with Professor …

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