Table of contents
February 2012 - Volume 12 - 1
Editors' choice
- Highlights from this issue (18 January, 2012)
- Do you need a coach? (18 January, 2012)
- Autoantibody testing in encephalopathies (18 January, 2012)
A difficult case
- When stopping the antiplatelet drugs stopped the ‘TIAs’ (18 January, 2012)
Neurological rarity
- Chorea-acanthocytosis (18 January, 2012)
How to do it
Me and my neurological illness
- How it feels to experience three different causes of respiratory failure (18 January, 2012)
Test yourself
- The unfolding tale of an unusual brain stem syndrome (18 January, 2012)
Neurological letter from
- Letter from Luxembourg (18 January, 2012)
From the retired
- The horse that wouldn't run (18 January, 2012)
Image of the moment
- Carphology by A Fo Ben (18 January, 2012)