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ABN Medallist
Each year at its annual conference the ABN awards the ABN Medal to a distinguished neurologist who has made a major contribution to neurology and to the Association.
Our 2016 medallist is Professor Alastair Compston CBE, FRS, and his citation, delivered by Professor Neil Scolding, may be viewed at,-fellowships-and-bursaries/abn-medal/ from Wednesday 18 May 2016.
Election of Honoroary Assistant Secretary and new members of ABN Council
Following a recent election process, Dr David Nicholl has been elected Honorary Assistant Secretary of the ABN and will serve for 2 years, followed by 2 years as Honorary Secretary. Dr Jon Sussman and Professor Kevin Talbot have been elected as members of ABN Council to serve for 4 years.
ABN clinical research training fellowship
The ABN has a strong commitment to the training of the next generation of neurological researchers. …