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ABN news
  1. Abby Wright Parkes1,
  2. Lucy Kinton2
  1. 1 Association of British Neurologists, London, UK
  2. 2 University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, Southampton, UK
  1. Correspondence to Abby Wright Parkes, Association of British Neurologists, London, UK; Abby.Wright.Parkes{at}

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As we write this, the ABN office is a hive of activity in the final stages of preparation for the annual conference, joint with the Irish Neurological Association, held in Belfast. By the time you read this it will be over, no doubt with lots of pearls of wisdom taken back to inform your clinical practice and to disseminate within your departments. It still feels special to be able to meet with colleagues at a conference; we can probably never take this for granted again after the bleak isolation of the COVID-19 years.

One of the highlights of attending conferences is seeing the enthusiasm of the generation of up-and-coming neurologists presenting cases, their research or other studies such as surveys and audits.

In a world of austerity and the additional challenges …

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