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Ethanol use is common to most cultures but with varying doses and to varying extents. While research has focused on the effects on the liver, alcohol exerts a range of actions on the function and structure of the nervous system. In the central nervous system (CNS) it can provoke or exacerbate neurological and psychiatric disease; its effects on the peripheral nervous system are not included in this review. Sustained alcohol intake can predispose to acute neurochemical changes which, with continued ingestion and incomplete treatment, can lead to chronic structural changes in the CNS: these include generalised cortical and cerebellar atrophy, amnesic syndromes such as Korsakoff’s syndrome, and specific white matter disorders such as central pontine myelinolysis and Marchiafava–Bignami syndrome. Alcohol in pregnancy commonly and significantly affects fetal health, though this receives less medical and political attention than other causes of fetal harm. This review looks at the range of disorders that can follow acute or chronic alcohol use, and how these should be managed, and we provide a practical overview on how neurologists might diagnose and manage alcohol addiction.
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Ethanol consumption is normalised in most cultures around the world.1 It is one of the substances of abuse that is tolerated, and in fact capitalised on by local and regional governments, forming a significant part of the economy of many western democracies. The UK Institute of Alcohol Studies reported in 2020 that alcohol comprised around 2.5% of the UK’s gross domestic product, totalling around £46 billion, of which £11 billion accrued directly from alcohol taxation.2 Unlike other drugs of abuse, the sociological constructs and habits around alcohol make its frequent use easy and acceptable, and abstinence from alcohol difficult to maintain. So, while the social effects of alcohol at moderate doses may be regarded as acceptable, increased intake contributes to significant medical and sociological harms. A recent survey of UK drug users found that 32 out of 93 respondents had experienced more harm from alcohol compared with many other substances due to its ready availability, potential for addiction, its risk of death from acute and chronic effects, social harms and the dangers of withdrawal.3 Excessive consumption often begins in youth, but alcohol overuse is not the preserve of the young, with UK surveys showing that 38% of men and 19% of women drink more than the recommended limits of alcohol.4
Predictions of future consumption are not encouraging. The decade up to 2019 saw a 19% rise in alcohol-related UK hospital admissions to over 350 000 per year. People from the most deprived areas (and especially men) were most likely to be admitted to hospital with alcohol-related problems.5 In the same time frame, the rate of alcohol-related deaths had increased by 7%, with indications of increasing incidence in most but not all countries.6–8
Most research and campaigning has focused on hepatic damage, but the central nervous system (CNS) is particularly susceptible to the chemical chaos wrought by excessive consumption both acutely and chronically. The pattern of neurological change is complicated by the multiple medical, nutritional and sociological associations of alcohol excess, many of which can result from, or predispose to alcohol-related harm. While the medical harm reflects the rate and extent of alcohol intake, social factors increase this risk, as do a range of as-yet unidentified genetic factors. Comorbidities influence the CNS response, including general medical status and nutritional state, prior liver disease, head injury, underlying fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and underlying (and possibly secondary) psychiatric diagnoses such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia and/or concomitant antipsychotic and antianxiety medications.9 Additional complexity comes from patients’ experiences of ‘self-managing’ their own mental health, particularly since this may be difficult to detect. Left unchecked it ultimately serves only to hamper treatment and monitoring of associated common psychiatric conditions or neurological disorders, such as epilepsy and dementia.
Problematic alcohol use in a social/holistic context
Alcohol intake is more than a medical problem, and it is very important to see the broader difficulties in context. Richard Billingham’s book ‘Ray’s a Laugh’ provides valuable insight into the extent and wide-ranging physical, mental and social consequences of alcohol dependence.10 The aim of addictions services is not solely abstinence (although this may suit the majority): care needs to be taken, since repeated alcohol withdrawal has neurotoxic potential and has observable effects on cognition.11 A pragmatic harm-reduction approach may be required, and clinicians need to be mindful of the complexity of patients with addictions and provide person-centred and trauma-informed care.
In this article, we outline the nature and extent of alcohol’s CNS effects and provide guidance on the diagnosis and monitoring of alcohol-related neurological problems. However, we will not address the significant peripheral neurological sequelae caused by alcohol, such as neuropathy and myopathy.
Effects of alcohol on neurotransmission
Clinical manifestations of acute alcohol ingestion were long held to relate to GABA receptor agonism and glutamate receptor antagonism (particularly the NMDA subtype). Variations in susceptibility of GABA-A receptor subunits may explain why some brain regions with high prevalence of delta subunits are more affected at lower alcohol concentrations than others.12 13 Acute adaptation in the CNS results in involution of GABA receptors in response to continued effects of alcohol. The simultaneous upregulation of NMDA receptor activity and reduced GABA receptor function becomes problematic with abrupt cessation of alcohol, when the resultant imbalance in neurotransmitters leads to neurotoxicity and the rapid onset of psychiatric difficulties and/or seizures described below. Genetic variations in receptor pharmacology may contribute to individual variations in response to alcohol ingestion and withdrawal. Recognised factors affecting acute response to alcohol include tolerance mediated by chronic effects on GABA and NMDA receptor expression and rate of ingestion. Positron emission tomography has helped to understand other broader neurochemical effects on neurotransmitter function, which encompass opioid, dopaminergic and serotonergic systems that may underly some of the other features around addictive behaviour.12
Diagnosis and quantification of alcohol excess
A focused alcohol intake history is an essential part of the neurological consultation. The WHO’s 11th revision of the international classification of diseases (ICD 11) came into effect in January 2022 and is gradually being incorporated into clinical practice.14 These include updated definitions of alcohol use disorders. Hazardous alcohol use substantially increases the risk of harm to an individual’s physical or mental health or risk of behaviour that harms others. A ‘harmful pattern of use of alcohol’ is defined as repetitive use of alcohol that has caused such harms, and which persists despite this. Alcohol dependence is defined by the presence of any two of three diagnostic criteria:
Impaired control over alcohol use.
Priority of alcohol use over other activities.
Physiological features of dependence (eg, tolerance, withdrawal, and repeated alcohol use to alleviate withdrawal symptoms).
Clinicians in the UK should also be familiar with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA)’s definitions of alcohol misuse and alcohol dependence that apply to driving eligibility. These are not especially useful in clinical practice but knowledge of them helps in advising patients and other health professionals about the conditions required for return of driving privileges.15
In terms of quantifying healthy limits of alcohol use, although there is no absolute safe limit, the UK government currently recommends a maximum of 14 units per week, spread over 3 or more days, along with several drink-free days per week.16 In the UK, one unit is defined as 10 mL or 8 g of pure ethanol. This can be calculated by multiplying the total volume of a drink in millilitre by the percentage alcohol by volume (the percentage of volume of the drink that is pure ethanol).
England’s National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines outline a strategy for initial screening for alcohol use disorders.17 Assessment should include formal tools, such as AUDIT (a 10-question self-report questionnaire with questions on hazardous use of alcohol, dependence symptoms and harmful use of alcohol).18 Due to its complexity, despite its presence in the NICE guidelines, AUDIT is not as easy for clinicians to remember and administer; for this reason, the CAGE questionnaire has persisted in clinical settings19 (see table 1). However, CAGE is not sensitive to heavy drinking and does not distinguish between previous and current drinking.
As a result, attempts have been made to validate an abbreviated version of AUDIT (named AUDIT-C), which includes only three items (typical frequency and quantity of drinking and frequency of drinking six or more drinks on one occasion) and has been shown to be effective in screening for alcohol dependence or heavy drinking warranting further assessment.20
Laboratory tests of effects of alcohol intake
Blood alcohol concentration
The use of one-off measurement of serum alcohol fell out of favour when results were used inappropriately in legal arenas. Measurement can however be essential (in assessing whether lowered conscious level may be secondary to intoxication) and may help in non-acute situations, particularly where it is suspected that there is ongoing use of alcohol. This should not be done covertly.
Liver function tests
As well as measuring serum alcohol, liver function tests can help in assessing the long-term effects of alcohol, although these may be normal in the later stages of liver disease. Serum gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) is the most sensitive of these routine tests, but it is increased in around 10% of patients who also take enzyme-inducing antiseizure medications. The full blood count may include a raised mean corpuscular volume (even with normal folate and vitamin B12), and a reduced serum urea may also indicate impaired hepatic function.
Carbohydrate-deficient transferrin
Transferrin is a transport protein for iron, and high alcohol intake will increase the proportion of the protein that has reduced sialic acid. This appears to rise when alcohol intake exceeds four units per day. Some studies have suggested that this carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) is a more sensitive and specific marker of alcohol excess than GGT.21 CDT is not routinely used in clinical practice but may be required by some organisations (eg, DVLA) to provide optimal evidence of abstinence in someone with a prior diagnosis of alcohol misuse or alcohol dependence.
General health and nutritional assessment
Serum magnesium and phosphate can help in assessing both the degree of metabolic upset caused by alcohol and the need for replacement of these elements. Clinicians should consider the risk of refeeding syndrome when admitting alcohol-dependent patients to hospital.
Clinical effects on the CNS—acute
The acute CNS effects of alcohol are familiar across the globe and include emotional instability impaired judgement, inappropriate behaviour and cerebellar signs (slurred speech, incoordination, ataxia, nystagmus).13 With higher doses, there may be memory impairment and stupor at very high doses. Respiratory depression is a risk at serum alcohol concentrations above 300 mg/dL; death from alcohol intoxication can result at concentrations above 500 mg/dL. Acute effects are dose related, but the individual response is heavily affected by individual tolerance and prior exposure.
In a patient presenting with a reduced level of consciousness and smelling of alcohol, it may be hazardous to assume that alcohol is the cause. It is important to consider a differential diagnosis, including subdural haematoma (with the possibility of a higher risk of trauma combined with risk of possible dysfunctional coagulation and cerebral atrophy), metabolic abnormality (especially hypoglycaemia) and a structural brain lesion.22 Evidence of trauma or focal neurological signs should prompt imaging to exclude another cause (figure 1).
The term ‘blackouts’ refers to episodic amnesia experienced after acute intoxication and usually indicates that serum alcohol concentrations have been significantly high. Although historically, blackouts have indicated ‘alcoholism’, it is now clear that they happen in people with and without alcohol dependence. They probably result from memory being disrupted before motor control is lost with increasing intoxication.23 Interestingly, alcohol’s effects on memory may be complex and there are reports of people who can recall while drunk where they have secreted alcohol or money, which they could not remember when sober. CA1 pyramidal cells in the hippocampus are probably affected by alcohol in a dose-dependent fashion, leading to disruption of transfer of long-term encoding of short-term memory. There are two documented forms of blackout: en-bloc blackouts in which there is inability to remember events during a discrete period of time, and fragmentary blackouts in which there is incomplete disruption of recall. The most significant risk factor for blackout is the rate of increase in blood alcohol concentration. Adolescents and young people may be particularly susceptible to blackouts, not only due to their impulsive drinking patterns but also due to the susceptibility of the developing hippocampus.24 Studies measuring blood alcohol concentrations compared with placebo show that younger subjects perform poorly on tests of semantic and non-verbal memory when intoxicated compared with older subjects. Women are also at increased risk of blackouts and slower recovery from cognitive impairment.
Susceptibility to en-bloc blackouts is also increased with ingestion of other substances, including cannabis and benzodiazepines.
Acute withdrawal state
An acute withdrawal state typically occurs within 6–48 hours of a sudden reduced intake in someone with alcohol dependency.25 The neurological effects result from the combination of chronically downregulated GABA receptors and upregulated NMDA receptors in the absence of alcohol. The relative deficiency of GABAergic effects and excessive glutamatergic stimulation lead to symptoms including confusion, rigidity, tremor, anxiety and excessive sweating. The treatment is with either fixed doses or as-required dosing with benzodiazepines when symptoms occur. NICE guidelines recommend giving symptom-triggered benzodiazepines using a structured tool such as the revised clinical institute withdrawal assessment alcohol scale for withdrawal in hospital settings.17 Patients with recent high alcohol intake and previous history of severe withdrawal require a regular regimen.22
Delirium tremens
Where withdrawal is more severe, particularly on a background of more severe dependence, the clinical situation can progress to delirium tremens on the third to fifth day after withdrawing. This state is characterised by the acute onset of hallucinations, agitation, autonomic hyperactivity, hand tremulousness and nausea. Visual hallucinations are most common, classically in the form of Lilliputian hallucinations of small creatures. Auditory and tactile hallucinations can also occur. Generalised seizures can emerge.26 Perhaps 2%–5% of patients in hospital suffer from delirium tremens, with a mortality rate of 1%–15%.27 Although symptoms commonly last between 1 and 7 days, they can persist for several weeks. Prolongation is more common in those with a history of using illicit substances (eg, benzodiazepines), comorbid dementia or head injury. As with withdrawal, the mainstay of treatment is benzodiazepines (often at very high doses), but low doses of antipsychotics can be added to help manage agitation associated with hallucinations.
While some sources suggest that seizures can be precipitated by high amounts of alcohol, this would be an unusual result of excessive GABAergic stimulation in adult humans. Sustained alcohol intake can reduce the time spent in REM sleep, and the coingestion of other compounds may play more of a part than the alcohol itself. Low serum concentrations of phosphate and magnesium may suggest a higher risk of electrolyte disturbance with refeeding, which in theory may be proconvulsant, although this is probably rare in alcohol detoxification.28 29 Subacute encephalopathy with seizures in alcoholics (SESA) was first described in the 1980s, this syndrome includes patients with prolonged confusion who have conditions along the ictal-interictal spectrum, including non-convulsive status.30 While SESA is not a necessary term, it acts as a prompt for investigating with EEG or using EEG monitoring in this situation.30
Seizures directly provoked by alcohol withdrawal are usually self-limiting and are an indication for benzodiazepines, thiamine and glucose loading. Escalation to use of antiseizure medications and, if necessary, admission to an intensive care unit (ICU) may still be required if immediate response is incomplete. These ‘provoked seizures’ should not be regarded as trivial. The 1-year mortality after admission to ICU with seizure is around 35% in patients with a history of alcohol dependence or drug use.31 Continued obtundation post-ictally may justify EEG to exclude non-convulsive status epilepticus. Where seizures are exclusively clearly related to alcohol withdrawal, each one having attendant preceding withdrawal symptoms, then the focus should ideally be on preventing future occurrence of severe withdrawal to reduce risk of long-term neurotoxicity. Where there is an unclear or at best tenuous relationship to withdrawal, antiseizure medication will come into play for some. Where there is such doubt, we feel it is safer to begin antiseizure medication, a view justified by the risks of harm from continued or prolonged seizures. There is no clear evidence of benefit of any particular antiseizure medication in patients with provoked seizures, but given the risk of incomplete adherence in patients prone to excess alcohol intake, a reasonable strategy is slowly to titrate a well-tolerated, non-enzyme-inducing antiseizure medication, with a moderate (eg, lamotrigine) or long (eg, zonisamide) half-life. Levetiracetam should be avoided where there is an underlying acute or chronic mood disturbance. Monitoring serum concentrations of long-term antiseizure medication may help to ensure adherence; ready access to laboratory facilities may influence the choice of antiseizure medication if this is an important part of planned clinical management.
Hallucinosis—alcohol-induced psychotic disorder
Hallucinations in the context of alcohol use were described as a separate entity from delirium tremens by Marcel in 1847. Bleuler coined the term alcoholic hallucinosis in 1916, the modern term being alcohol-induced psychotic disorder.14 32 Lifetime prevalence of alcohol-induced psychotic disorder ranges from 0.4% in Germany to 12.4% in Nepal. By the ICD11 definition of alcohol-induced psychotic disorder, prominent psychotic symptoms occur during or shortly after intoxication or withdrawal from alcohol, and symptoms should be more than those usually found in alcohol intoxication or withdrawal. The symptoms should improve and usually resolve with a significant period of abstinence from alcohol.33 The literature highlights characteristic features, including typical auditory hallucinations of an acute onset, hallucinations of derogatory voices and persecutory delusions. These usually occur in clear consciousness and in the absence of the thought-disorder typically seen in other forms of psychosis, but around 10% may have features of delirium in the acute stage of the disorder. Alcohol-induced psychotic disorder tends to occur later in life and has a better prognosis than other psychoses. Among 61 inpatients, the mean duration of psychotic symptoms was 4 days, and most reported hallucinations only when decreasing their alcohol intake or abstaining from alcohol.32 The authors point out that twothirds of patients had previous episodes of alcohol-related psychosis, highlighting risk of recurrence. There is no clear consensus on the nature of alcohol-induced psychotic disorder; some highlight similarities with delirium tremens, for example, a tendency towards physical symptoms and slight clouding of consciousness, and others favour a conceptualisation closer to a schizophrenia-like illness indicated by auditory hallucinations in clear consciousness and chronic course of the condition.34 Alcohol-induced psychotic disorder has no accepted standard treatment, but improvement usually requires abstinence from alcohol and use of antipsychotic drugs to treat psychotic symptoms. Some have suggested that initial treatment with benzodiazepines helps in only some cases.35
Clinical effects on the CNS—chronic
Alcohol-related brain damage
Alcohol-related brain damage is the unofficial, but widely-used term encompassing a wide spectrum of pathology and cognitive impairment related to alcohol, including Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, and conditions resulting from direct toxic effects of alcohol and also effects of head injury and stroke related to alcohol.36 37 The lack of accepted definition can sometimes create difficulties. DSM-V classifies alcohol-related cognitive disorders as mild and severe alcohol-related neurocognitive disorder, amnestic and non-amnestic38 (see online supplemental case 1). This diagnosis is supported by other signs of long-term systemic effects of alcohol, for example, cirrhosis, ataxia or peripheral sensory neuropathy, cardiac effects as well as evidence of cerebellar atrophy on neuroimaging. According to Oslin’s diagnostic criteria, the clinical diagnosis should be made at least 60 days after the last exposure to alcohol.39
Supplemental material
In alcohol-related brain damage, the frontal lobes appear particularly vulnerable to glutamate excitotoxicity, oxidative stress and disruption of neurogenesis.40 Cycles of bingeing and withdrawal probably predispose to upregulation of NMDA receptors and effects on cholinergic transmission in the basal forebrain. Almost 80% of alcohol-dependent people have brain changes at postmortem, leading to frontal lobe volume loss and atrophy. Functional imaging, including 99mTc-HMPAO SPECT assessing cerebral perfusion and blood flow, can show decreased frontal perfusion in alcohol abuse and alcohol-related brain damage (figure 2)
Clinical features
As suggested by the pathology, frontal cognitive deficits are common. Compared with Alzheimer’s, patients with alcohol-related brain damage have better semantic and verbal memory and poorer performance in visuospatial tasks.36 The montreal cognitive assessment is currently the most well-validated method of screening and distinguishing alcohol-related brain damage from other causes of cognitive impairment, although more detailed neuropsychological assessment is required in making the diagnosis and characterising difficulties.41
Treatment and prevention
Improvement or recovery in function can continue following a substantial period of abstinence from alcohol over a period of weeks to months.42 43 Repeated episodes of withdrawal probably contribute to alcohol-related brain damage, hence it is best to avoid severe withdrawal syndrome and emergency detoxes, and rather to plan detoxification.11 Planned inpatient detoxification under addiction services is very different to emergency detoxification in an acute medical setting, which focuses on preventing acute morbidity and mortality. Additional time, planning and expertise is needed to promote long-term abstinence with appropriate emphasis on general rehabilitation and long-term care.
Wernicke’s syndrome classically represents the acute effects of CNS nutritional deficiency whereas Korsakoff’s represents the chronic effects. However, in clinical practice, a mixed picture is much more common. Chronic alcohol use leads to poor nutrition and vitamin B1 deficiency causing symmetrical lesions in thalamus, hypothalamus, mammillary bodies and periaqueductal grey matter. Thiamine is a cofactor for several enzymes in the Krebs cycle and involvement in transketolase and glucose metabolism leads to build-up of toxic metabolites. The neuropathology is varied but is usually associated with some degree of brain volume loss.44 Wernicke’s pathology includes symmetrical lesions around the third ventricle, aqueduct and fourth ventricle, with mamillary body involvement in up to 80% of cases. Some studies identify particular effects on white matter volume, although this is not a uniform finding. Prefrontal white matter, and the genu of the corpus callosum appear to be particularly susceptible in Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, the degree of white matter loss probably correlating with the degree of alcohol consumption. Figure 3 shows the typical imaging findings.
Wernicke’s syndrome
Wernicke’s syndrome refers to the classic triad of oculomotor signs (classically ophthalmoplegia), cerebellar signs and altered mental state (See online supplemental case 2). However, the classic Wernicke’s triad occurs in only 10% of cases. Carl Wernicke first described this syndrome in 1881 in a case series.45 Of note, one of his cases was not alcohol related but was a young woman with nutritional deficiency due to pyloric stenosis. This highlights the role of thiamine deficiency in the clinical manifestations and that Wernicke’s is not unique to alcohol misuse but is a risk associated with malabsorption from any cause, including hyperemesis gravidarum and malignancy. People with alcohol dependence are at particular risk of Wernicke’s due to poor nutrition, decreased capacity for hepatic nutrient storage and decreased vitamin absorption. A diagnosis of Wernicke’s is based on Caine’s classification requiring two of four features of dietary deficiency, eye signs (ranging from subtle nystagmus to complete ophthalmoplegia), cerebellar dysfunction and altered mental state.46 Altered mental state is the most common feature and severity can vary from disorientation to coma. Nutritional replacement is vital and should be immediate if the diagnosis is suspected. There is no international consensus on optimal dosing with thiamine, but in the UK, there is a widely accepted standard of replacement doses 500 mg intravenous thiamine three times per day for 2 or 3 days followed by 250 mg intravenously three times per day for the next 2 or 3 days, followed by oral thiamine.47–49 Continuing disorientation would justify continuing treatment with parenteral thiamine. Anaphylaxis due to thiamine preparations is very rare.22 Since signs of Wernicke’s can be non-specific, it is a good practice to treat prophylactically if alcohol dependence is suspected or detoxification is planned, using once daily parenteral thiamine for 5 days.
Supplemental material
Korsakoff syndrome describes the syndrome of persistent residual cognitive impairment, often where Wernicke’s has been incompletely treated. There is ongoing debate as to whether these are part of a continuum of features that can be grouped with other types of alcohol-related brain damage or whether Korsakoff’s is a pure syndrome related exclusively to thiamine deficiency. The most important contributory factor is delay in thiamine replacement. In its clinical features, Korsakoff syndrome has been defined by a disproportionate impairment of declarative memory (especially episodic and semantic) in an alert patient. In addition, most of the memory loss tends to be anterograde, with disproportionate loss of more recent memories, known as Ribot’s law.50 This is well-illustrated in the case of Jimmy in Oliver Sacks’ book, ‘The Man Who Mistook his Wife for a Hat’.51 Other features consistent with Korsakoff’s include apathy, executive dysfunction, lack of insight and confabulation. There is no widely accepted treatment available for Korsakoff’s syndrome.
Dementia due to use of alcohol
ICD-11 has this as a specific category of effect.14 There is an interesting ‘J-shaped’ relationship between patterns of alcohol use and dementias. This is thought to be due to protective effects of low levels of alcohol consumption, resulting from associated reduction in platelet aggregation, inflammatory markers and lipids. Meta-analysis suggests that this protects only against Alzheimer’s dementia but not vascular dementia.40 A cohort study of people admitted to hospital over 5 years in France found that alcohol use disorders were strongly associated with all risk factors for dementia onset, particularly with early-onset dementia.52
Cerebral and cerebellar atrophy
Light-to-moderate drinking in an elderly cohort may lower the risk of cerebral atrophy especially if the alcohol is taken as wine rather than beer or spirits, but this has been countered in studies of younger cohorts.53 54 Both nutritional deficiency and trauma can exacerbate the generalised atrophic effects of alcohol (figure 4). Mamillary body atrophy correlates with the cognitive issues described above. In addition to cortical atrophy, there may be particular mechanisms for the effects of alcohol on the cerebellum.55 They lead to neuropathological effects more prominent in the cerebellar vermis, and clinical effects more prominent in assessment of gait and the lower limbs. The clinical features of a cerebellar ataxia may be exacerbated by a coincident peripheral neuropathy.
Marchiafava–Bignami disease
This is a rare and poorly understood clinical constellation first described in the early 20th century. The most common features include personality change, encephalopathy, and gaze disorders, occasionally alongside seizures.56 A corpus callosal syndrome may become apparent with visual and tactile anomia, hemi-alexia, unilateral left-sided apraxia and absence of interhemispheric transference of unilateral somatosensory stimulation of both hands.57 Other features of the damage wrought by alcohol can include longstanding cognitive decline, gait problems and incontinence. Focal neurological deficits such as hemiparesis, aphasia and apraxia are less helpful in differentiating from other causes of corpus callosal lesions. Imaging findings are usually centred on the corpus callosum, with changes ranging from oedema to cystic lesions. MR brain imaging (figure 5) shows progressive demyelination and ultimately necrosis of corpus callosum, affecting the body of corpus callosum, followed by genu and ultimately splenium, leading to classical imaging appearances of callosal degeneration with cystic cavities. Occasionally similar lesions may also develop in the corticospinal tracts, cerebellar peduncles and the hemispheric white matter. Treatment involves avoiding alcohol and nutritional replacement with thiamine alongside B12 and folate. Some have suggested that prognosis is better in those with unimpaired level of consciousness.58
Osmotic demyelination
Patients with chronic excessive alcohol consumption are more prone to significant hyponatraemia via various mechanisms including hypovolaemia, drinking excessive salt-poor solutes (eg, beer), cerebral salt wasting syndrome and reset osmostat syndrome.59 Rapid correction of this can cause acute onset of demyelination in some white matter tracts, most evident in the pons. A recent review of clinical and neurological features listed signs including most commonly encephalopathy and dysphonia (50%), less so with extrapyramidal symptoms and seizures. Neuroimaging results (figure 6) showed central pontine myelinolysis in 11/18, in seven accompanied by extrapontine myelinolysis. Five patients (27.8%) had extrapontine myelinolysis only. The prognosis appeared better in those presenting with encephalopathy rather than focal neurological signs.60 Osmotic demyelination may occur largely asymptomatically and be detected incidentally during later imaging.61
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
The frequency and severity of this condition merits further consideration. Given the range of neurochemical effects exerted by alcohol, it is not surprising that prenatal exposure to alcohol affects the developing brain. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder describes a spectrum of physical and neurological abnormalities related to prenatal alcohol exposure.62 This disorder probably has a greater population impact than other syndromes of prenatal harm; prenatal alcohol exposure globally affects an estimated 7.7 per 1000 live births, with estimated UK prevalence of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder of around 32.4 per 1000 live births. This is likely to be an underestimate, and there have been calls for coordinated and standardised assessment and management of patients affected by this condition.63 The pathophysiology of prenatal damage is unclear, but MR imaging studies have shown the effect of alcohol in the corpus callosal anatomy.64 Whether this is a primary or secondary effect is unknown.
Clinical features of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Around 10% of patients with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder have characteristic or ‘sentinel’ facial features (table 2), comprising short palpebral fissures, smooth philtrum and thin upper lip.65
Standardised scales have been developed for assessing physical signs. Studies suggest FASD behavioural phenotypes score highly for hyperkinetic behaviours as well as anxiety and emotional problems. There is significant recognised overlap with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and autistic spectrum disorders, and studies indicate that in those with good language skills, difficulties with understanding and social skills may remain well hidden. Given this variability and its high prevalence, it is highly likely that FASD diagnosis may only become apparent in adulthood. Such patients may already be known to the judicial system or mental health services. By the time the diagnosis is made, the only measures required are to treat the emergent symptoms. The recent guidelines describe a need for standardised and coordinated multidisciplinary patient-centred assessment and management.63
Indirect effects of alcohol on the CNS—acute
The impaired motor skills and disinhibition of acute intoxication lead not only to more risky behaviours but also the reduced ability to enact protective reflexes. Alcohol excess in itself probably increases the chances of direct traumatic brain and neurological injury, and any sign of trauma or focal neurological deficit should prompt further neurological monitoring and/or investigation.
Exposure to other substances
Patients prone to alcohol excess commonly ingest other substances. In 2020, the Office for National Statistics noted that the proportion of adults reporting drug use increased substantially with higher alcohol use; nearly 15% of people drinking on more than 3 days per week reported use of any drug, over 10% reported cannabis use and over 5% reported cocaine use.66 As with alcohol use, this may not be volunteered and may be deliberately concealed. Such substances might contribute to the clinical presentation and might reduce or attenuate the clinical recovery.67 Where there is persisting disorientation or encephalopathy, it may be justified to screen for other substances that might be perpetuating any psychiatric or neurological features, as this could help with prognostication and perhaps with treatment.
Indirect effects of alcohol on the CNS—chronic
Hepatic encephalopathy
The liver’s role in dealing with products of protein breakdown clears the body of many tertiary and quaternary amines. Where this is impaired, this leaves the normal CNS function compromised by false neurotransmitters, manifests as hepatic encephalopathy.68 An acute-on-chronic overuse of alcohol can provoke this, but other sudden metabolic stress (systemic infection, gastrointestinal bleed causing an acute ‘protein load’ or localised peritoneal infection) should not be overlooked. Clinicians should suspect the diagnosis in someone with a prior history of hepatic disease, developing a subacute delirium or reduced conscious level. Blood testing will show deranged liver function tests and raised serum ammonia. Imaging is usually normal, and EEG shows generalised slowing. Despite long-held belief about the specificity of triphasic waves, the EEG findings are usually non-specific and not always easily differentiated from EEG in encephalopathy of other causes. However, EEG can help in excluding non-convulsive status epilepticus, and it may help with long-term prognosis of hepatic failure.69 MR brain imaging findings are shown in figure 7 along with an example of MR spectroscopic changes (figure 8).
Chronic trauma
Chronic alcohol use is often noted to be associated with cortical atrophy and it has been suggested that alcohol potentiates and exacerbates the atrophic effects of brain injury.70 The exact mechanism of this is unknown, but studies have shown that in an older population, the consumption of alcohol at higher levels in both men and women is associated with subjective and objective measures of atrophy particularly in the frontal and temporal lobes.71 Poor nutrition is also associated with temporal atrophy.
Treatment of alcohol-related CNS disease
The diagnosis of alcohol-related CNS disease is often a challenging part of the management process. Treatment of specific complications has been referred to above, but the long-term need is for prevention of further harm using a combination of education, a good therapeutic relationship and holistic care. Current NICE guidelines on alcohol use disorders advocate an empathic and non-judgemental approach that preserves the patient’s dignity and involves carers.17 Initial evaluation should include assessment of alcohol-related harms to physical, mental and social well-being and consideration of onward referral to specialist addiction services. As previously discussed, structured clinical tools should be used for screening and for assessment of the nature and severity of alcohol-related problems.
The principles of management of alcohol-related CNS disease should address the direct and indirect toxicity of alcohol.
Avoid—or at least minimise—further exposure to alcohol and its attendant lifestyle risks.
Replace nutrients: prophylactic thiamine should be offered to those at risk of Wernicke’s due to malnutrition, alcohol dependence or risk of withdrawal. For those with Wernicke’s, parenteral thiamine should continue for at least 5 days, although as described above, in some situations, patients require treatment for much longer.
Treat acute paroxysmal symptoms, such as seizures.
Manage and prevent withdrawal using benzodiazepines (usually chlordiazepoxide or diazepam unless there is liver impairment, in which case an alternative should be chosen, which does not rely as heavily on liver metabolism, such as lorazepam).
Manage long-term psychiatric comorbidities and neurological problems, such as epilepsy
Plan follow-up with addiction services and promote self-management strategies to increase the chances of long-term abstinence or prevention of excessive consumption.
Attend to the social context and to the carer’s needs. Collateral history from carers can be extremely valuable and should be sought.
There are many practical considerations for clinicians managing patients presenting with disturbances of cognition, mood and behaviour in the context of problematic alcohol use (see boxes 1–3). It is essential to have an holistic approach to history-taking, examination and risk assessment.
Practical considerations when assessing a patient with alcohol addiction expressing low mood
Alcohol intoxication may lead to suicidality through disinhibition, impulsiveness and an exacerbation of depressive thoughts, most of which will resolve with sobriety.
Suicide risk is significantly increased in people with alcohol dependence; it is important to enquire about suicidal ideation and plans.
Depression is the most common psychiatric mental illness in people with alcohol use disorder.
Depressive symptoms associated with heavy consumption of alcohol often resolve with abstinence.
Addressing the alcohol addiction is an essential first intervention when commencing treatment for depression.
Practical considerations when reviewing a patient with a history of alcohol use disorder presenting with agitation and psychotic-like symptoms
Although ‘common things are common’, do not automatically assume that the presentation relates to alcohol.
A collateral history from a relevant other is crucial.
Is there ongoing intoxication?
Is it due to withdrawal?
Have they ingested other substances? (this is common).
Have they sustained a head injury which is contributing to the confusion?
Consider previous history of mental illness including psychosis.
Consider capacity to consent to treatment.
Prolonged confusion in someone with alcohol dependence in the general hospital—practical considerations
Consider other common comorbid pathologies that might prolong delirium, for example, cerebrovascular disease, previous brain injury.
It is very unusual to see a clear-cut case of Korsakoff’s or Wernicke’s: mixed presentations are much more likely and tend to take longer to resolve.
Find out about/establish premorbid cognitive baseline (often the person’s cognitive function was already impaired).
Review the medication regimen; for example, benzodiazepines withdrawn too quickly or medication contributing to confusion (eg, opioids).
Be aware that recovery with reasonable cognitive function can still occur after weeks of confusion/delirium.
Consider the need for incapacity or mental health act legislation.
However, the long-term case management of people with alcohol use disorders relies on understanding the relationship between alcohol and the individual, as people use alcohol for various purposes, including managing mental distress and psychological trauma. It is important to develop a therapeutic alliance to encourage engagement with appropriate services, particularly as those with alcohol use disorders are hesitant to engage in supports due to stigma and discrimination. Alcohol brief interventions are an important tool to encourage and promote behavioural changes in alcohol consumption, with significant outcomes.72 Simply encouraging individuals to reduce and stop drinking in isolation may expose underlying difficulties and lead to relapse, without further support in place.
With appropriate support, individuals may engage in specialist addiction services, where other interventions may be available, including regular case management, access to alcohol protective medications including acamprosate, disulfiram and naltrexone, mental health supports, occupational therapy, dietetics, physiotherapy, access to recovery communities and support groups and residential rehabilitation.
Case 1 – Alcohol-related brain damage and traumatic brain injury
A 55-year-old man was admitted to hospital after a witnessed seizure and was later referred to liaison psychiatry due to 4 weeks of protracted delirium. He had a history of alcohol dependence with previous inpatient alcohol detoxification when abroad and a right subdural haematoma 3 months before. He initially required low-dose antipsychotic medication for agitation.
After the delirium had resolved, he still had cognitive deficits. During this time, he drank alcohol when not on the ward, and staff reported a regression of skills in activities of daily living, declining mood, and expressing suicidal ideation. He underwent inpatient functional occupational therapy. Cognitive assessment identified persistent difficulties with executive dysfunction and safety awareness and he was transferred to the neurorehabilitation unit under detention. One week later, he was participating well in activities on the unit but still had very poor insight and felt he was suitable for rapid discharge.
This case demonstrates the complexity of treating comorbid alcohol-related brain damage and traumatic brain injury, which requires a multidisciplinary approach, thoughtful and holistic assessment, and in this case, use of incapacity and mental health legislation to allow inpatient assessment and rehabilitation.
Case 2 – Wernicke’s encephalopathy
A 62-year-old man with a history of alcohol dependence and alcoholic cirrhosis was admitted to hospital from his own home. He had phoned emergency services in a panicked state to say that he was locked in a house he didn’t know.
His family knew that he had been drinking around two bottles of vodka per day for at least 2 years. His walking was very poor, and he had several falls at home, and eventually had been restricted to sleeping downstairs and unable to leave the house. He had stopped drinking suddenly without explanation around 6 weeks before admission. Two weeks before admission, he had developed problems with daily functioning, for example, confusing the microwave for the cooker, and could not work out how to use the TV remote control. He also started having problems with his memory, commenting to family that his children looked too old, and at times believing that he still lived with his parents.
On initial presentation, he was irritable, easily distracted, and disorientated. His speech was tangential, with confabulation. He was treated with Pabrinex and low doses of haloperidol for agitation. Initial bloods were unremarkable. CT scan of brain showed bilateral periventricular hypoattenuation and low attenuation foci in the basal ganglia.
After a few weeks, his disorientation and agitation improved, but with some persisting cognitive problems. A kitchen assessment reported problems with sequencing tasks, poor safety awareness, and requirement for frequent prompting. An Addenbrookes Cognitive Examination identified poor memory and fluency. The patient was keen to engage with a programme of rehabilitation for alcohol-related brain injury and to remain abstinent from alcohol, and after several months, was transferred to an supported accommodation rehabiliation facility.
The increasing incidence of harm related to alcohol across society should prompt us to remain vigilant to its possibility in a range of patients. The potential for reversibility of CNS effects makes this especially worthwhile. Modifying alcohol intake may help the management of other neuropsychiatric conditions that may be exacerbated or triggered by alcohol’s direct and indirect effects. An holistic approach to an individual’s relationship with alcohol is most likely to produce meaningful outcomes.
Further reading
WHO (2018) Alcohol. Available at: (Accessed: 11 February 2022).
Billingham, R., Collins, M. and Germain, J. (1996) ‘Ray’s a laugh’. (Out of print but viewable at
SIGN (2019) SIGN 156: Children and young people exposed prenatally to alcohol. Available at: (Accessed: 10 December 2021).
Nutt, D. et al. (2021) ‘Alcohol and the Brain’, Nutrients 2021, Vol. 13, Page 3938, 13(11), p. 3938. doi: 10.3390/NU13113938
Key points
Alcohol misuse appears to be increasing, with increasing rates of its neurological sequelae.
Identifying specific alcohol-related neurological syndromes can help to target treatments and prevention.
The clinical assessment of alcohol use and its complications is an important clinical skill.
Imaging is important in assessing the degree of complications of acute and chronic alcohol use.
Treatment can reverse the acute and chronic effects of alcohol ingestion.
A multidisciplinary and holistic approach can help in managing alcohol-related harms to the central nervous system.
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No data are available.
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Ethics approval
Not applicable.
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Supplementary Data
This web only file has been produced by the BMJ Publishing Group from an electronic file supplied by the author(s) and has not been edited for content.
Twitter @drarunmenon, @jpleach246
Collaborators Not applicable.
Contributors J-PL and MW wrote first draft. MW provided composite case histories MO and AM helped edit subsequent drafts NEF sourced imaging and provided expert commentary.
Funding The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.
Competing interests None declared.
Provenance and peer review Commissioned. Externally peer reviewed by Joanna Lovett, Southampton, UK and Martin Sadler, Plymouth, UK.
Supplemental material This content has been supplied by the author(s). It has not been vetted by BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) and may not have been peer-reviewed. Any opinions or recommendations discussed are solely those of the author(s) and are not endorsed by BMJ. BMJ disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on the content. Where the content includes any translated material, BMJ does not warrant the accuracy and reliability of the translations (including but not limited to local regulations, clinical guidelines, terminology, drug names and drug dosages), and is not responsible for any error and/or omissions arising from translation and adaptation or otherwise.