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ABN news
  1. Maya McCourt1,
  2. Lucy Kinton2
  1. 1 Association of British Neurologists, London, UK
  2. 2 University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, Southampton, UK
  1. Correspondence to Dr Maya McCourt, Association of British Neurologists, London, UK; Maya.McCourt{at}

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As the Christmas lights are switched on across the UK, the annual series of events at the ABN rolls on.

Last month saw the one-day autumn meeting in London. We were pleased that so many of you could make it face-to-face and those more distant were able to watch online. A massive thank you to all our excellent speakers.

On the subject of meetings, planning for the main ABN meeting in May 2024 in Edinburgh is at an advanced stage: more about the programme to come in the next edition. Abstract submission has, however, just opened (4 December) and will remain open for submissions until 22 January. We look forward to hearing about all your research and of course the opportunity to share your …

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