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ABN news
  1. Lucy Kinton
  1. University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, Southampton, UK
  1. Correspondence to Lucy Kinton, Association of British Neurologists, London, UK; Lucy.Kinton{at}

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As the year progresses at a gallop, we are getting ready for our May annual meeting, this year in Edinburgh, when I will hand over the Honorary Secretary role to Biba Stanton. As advisory groups are a large part of the work of the Hon Sec, I thought in this edition I would focus on their work, and how much they do over the year to improve treatment and services for patients with neurological illness.

The ABN advisory groups are made up from the membership and include a trainee among their 5 to 15 members. They are grouped by specialty to provide opinions on a wide range of conditions and are a vital part of the ABN.

Over the last 12 …

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