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The World Federation of Neurology
  1. Jun Kimura
  1. President, World Federation of Neurology; E-mail: kimurakyoto{at}


A commonly asked question is, ‘What exactly does the WFN do?’

The WFN was established in 1957 and recently underwent major organisational change under the leadership of Lord Walton and Dr James Toole. It established a Secretariat in London, revised its constitution and by-laws, and redefined its purpose. The Federation has now initiated some of its priority programmes and revitalized its website (, which is used increasingly to complement our official publications, the Journal of the Neurological Sciences, edited by Dr Robert Lisak, and World Neurology, under Dr Jagjit Chopra. We are at a turning point not only in modernising our structure, but also in reorienting our philosophy as an incorporated charitable organization for the cause of neurology.

Our primary mission centres on the improved care of patients with neurological disorders through the education of physicians worldwide. The WFN does not intend to compete with national or regional groups who

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