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How Good at Neurology are you?– Questions
  1. Paul Goldsmith*,
  2. Graham Lennox*,
  3. Julian Ray
  1. *Departments of Neurology and
  2. Neurophysiology, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, UK. Email; pg255{at}; drslennox{at}; j.l.ray{at}


1. Please consider the following.

An 83-year-old man presented to his family doctor with back pain. He had cataracts worse on the left than on the right, was deaf in his right ear and had some urinary hesitancy with poor flow.

What is the diagnosis ?

2. Please study Fig. 2.

This patient was being investigated for chronic neurological symptoms. What were those symptoms most likely to have been? (Image courtesy of Peter Goadsby)

3. Please read:

A 26-year-old known epileptic was admitted under the general surgeons with acute abdominal pain and haematuria. A CT head scan was arranged following a prolonged seizure. What is the cause of the abdominal pain? (Image courtesy of Medcyclopaedia, Amersham Health.)

4. Read the following paragraph:

A 26-year-old man presented to the emergency room with double vision. He had no previous past medical history. On examination he had a complex ophthalmoplegia, bilateral partial ptosis

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