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How Good at Neurology are you? – Questions
  1. Paul Goldsmith*,
  2. Graham Lennox*,
  3. Julian Ray
  1. *Departments of Neurology and
  2. Neurophysiology, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, UK; Email: paul-goldsmith{at}


1. Please consider the following.

A 56-year-old man presents to his family doctor with back pain.

What is the diagnosis ? (Fig. 1)

2. Please study Fig. 2.

A 45-year-old Afro-Caribbean man presented with episodic somnolence, weight gain and depression. This is his MR scan.

(a) Which of these initial investigations would you choose ?

(i) Biopsy

(ii) Angiogram

(iii) SPECT scan

(iv) Tonsillar biopsy

(v) EEG

(vi) Chest xray

(b) What would your management be, assuming your initial diagnosis was correct?

(i) Resection of tumour

(ii) Corticosteroids

(iii) Tender loving care

(iv) Embolisation

(v) Anticonvulsants

(vi) Dopamine agonist

3. True or false?

Regarding spinal neuroschistosomiasis:

(a) It is more common than presentation with encephalopathy and seizures.

(b) It particularly affects the lower cord.

(c) It is usually painless.

(d) It is usually associated with hepatosplenomegaly.

(e) Is unlikely in the absence of a peripheral blood eosinophilia.

4. Please study

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