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How Good at Neurology are you? – Questions
  1. Paul Goldsmith*,
  2. Graham Lennox*,
  3. Julian Ray
  1. *Departments of Neurology and
  2. Neurophysiology, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, UK. Email: paul-goldsmith{at}


1. Consider the following case.

A 44-year-old lady presented with frontal headaches. She had a past medical history of a breast lump and she had an uncle with epilepsy. She had travelled extensively, was a vegetarian and took vitamin supplements. These are her MRI scans: What is the diagnosis ?

2.Please study Fig. 2.

This 19-year-old man was admitted following a car crash. Why did he crash his car?

3. With regards to multifocal motor neuropathy, are the following statements true or false?

  1. There is initially little or no muscle atrophy, even in very weak muscles.

  2. Muscle cramp, fatigue and twitching are common.

  3. A decreased compound muscle action potential in a clinically weak muscle is an early pointer.

  4. Over 80% of patients have +ve anti-GM1 antibodies.

  5. Steroids are useful for severe cases.

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