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What next for medical journals?
  1. Fiona Godlee
  1. Correspondence to Dr Fiona Godlee, Editor in Chief, BMJ, BMA House, Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9JR, UK; fgodlee{at}

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Practical Neurology is a rather special beast. The brain child of its editor Charles Warlow, it aims to provide relevant, readable, entertaining educational material for practising neurologists. Speaking as a non-neurologist (although I was once a neurology registrar), I think it does a great job, and if you’re reading this editorial it’s probably because you agree.

Practical Neurology was adopted into the BMJ’s family of journals 4 years ago as a fun- loving sister for our more bookish JNNP (Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry). Their partnership helps us meet the different needs of clinicians and academics. At the head of the BMJ's extended family sits the BMJ itself, which has to meet these same disparate needs but across the whole of medicine. Its mission is to help doctors make better decisions, whether in clinical medicine, research, teaching, public health or health policy. It does this through a mix of original research, commentary, debate, education, personal accounts from doctors and patients, book and arts …

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