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Use a Diagnostic Neuropsychology Service Properly
  1. T. D. Griffiths,
  2. J. L. Welch
  1. Cognitive Neurology Clinic, Newcastle General Hospital, E-mail: t.d.griffi ths{at}


Neuropsychology services in the UK are a precious resource. In our own Northern region there is a ratio of 5 : 1 between the number of consultant neurologists and neuropsychologists who see neurological referrals for diagnostic assessment. Furthermore, the neuropsychological status of patients with degenerative and other brain disorders can be much more informative (in terms of diagnosis, prognosis, and management) than brain imaging, on which so much more money is usually spent. In our cognitive neurology clinic we provide an opinion based on joint consultations with a neurologist and neuropsychologist. This allows the optimal use of neuropsychology resources, where the initial joint assessment guides any further more detailed assessment. However, most neuropsychology assessments are requested by neurologists or their trainees working in isolation. We hope this article will provide some guidance on the appropriate use of neuropsychology services in such circumstances. They reflect our personal views and, hopefully, a

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