Table 3

Differential diagnoses of tardive movement disorders

Neurodegenerative causes of movement disorders and psychiatric symptoms
DiseaseConsider when…
Wilson's diseasePatient under 50 years of age, liver disease
HDFamily history, chorea, tics, gait disturbance
Prion disease, HD2, dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophyHD phenocopies. Suggestion of HD but HD gene negative
Lesch–Nyhan syndromeSpasticity, self-mutilation, gout
NBIA1 (PANK2)Gait abnormality, parkinsonism, chorea, dystonia
Other differential diagnoses of tardive movement disorders
Disease or symptomConsider when…
Idiopathic dystonia (particularly Meige syndrome and cervical dystonia)Isolated movement disorder, sensory geste
DYT1 (gene)Young onset generalised dystonia sparing head, neck and bulbar muscles
DYT6 (gene)Dystonia affecting bulbar muscles and neck
Tourette syndromeYoung onset tics, obsessive compulsive disorder
Edentulous malocclusionMovement disorder on removing dentures
  • HD, Huntington's disease; HDL2, Huntington's disease-like 2 (junctophilin-3 gene); NBIA 1 (PANK2), neuronal brain iron accumulation type 1 (pantothenate kinase 2).