Table 2

Reference values of sonographic nerve size

Nerve siteNormal values (CSA in mm2)Disease specific cut-off values for suspected CIN (CSA in mm2)
Median nerveWrist11
Upper arm9>13
Ulnar nerveWrist7
Distal to sulcus9
At ulnar sulcus9
Proximal to sulcus9
Upper arm9
Brachial plexusC5 nerve root*8>8
Fibular nervePopliteal fossa9
Fibular head11
Tibial nervePopliteal fossa22
Distal lower leg13
At medial malleolus13
Sural nerveDistal lower leg3
  • This table shows the upper limit of normal nerve cross-sectional area (CSA) and cut-off value for nerve enlargement suspect of chronic inflammatory neuropathy (CIN) in upper and lower extremity nerve sites. Normal values shown were obtained in a mainly Caucasian general Dutch population and a population suspected of CIN.

  • *Elements of the brachial plexus are commonly measured intra-scalenic; normal nerve root sizes at the exit of the neuroforamina are often larger (ie, up to 12 mm2), whereas C6 and particularly C7 nerve roots may be less reliable to assess accurately.35